Author Affiliations
1 College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, P. R. China
2 Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI), Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, P. R. China
Fourier light-field microscopy (FLFM) uses a microlens array (MLA) to segment the Fourier plane of the microscopic objective lens to generate multiple two-dimensional perspective views, thereby reconstructing the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the sample using 3D deconvolution calculation without scanning. However, the resolution of FLFM is still limited by diffraction, and furthermore, it is dependent on the aperture division. In order to improve its resolution, a super-resolution optical fluctuation Fourier light-field microscopy (SOFFLFM) was proposed here, in which the super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) with the ability of super-resolution was introduced into FLFM. SOFFLFM uses higher-order cumulants statistical analysis on an image sequence collected by FLFM, and then carries out 3D deconvolution calculation to reconstruct the 3D structure of the sample. The theoretical basis of SOFFLFM on improving resolution was explained and then verified with the simulations. Simulation results demonstrated that SOFFLFM improved the lateral and axial resolution by more than 2 and 2 times in the second- and fourth-order accumulations, compared with that of FLFM.
Fourier light-field microscopy higher-order cumulants super-resolution optical fluctuation 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2023, 16(3): 2244007
Aiwang Huang 1,2,3Danni Chen 1,2,3,*Heng Li 1,2,3Dexiang Tang 1,2,3[ ... ]Junle Qu 1,2,3
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
2 Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Biomedicine Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
3 Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Measuring and Imaging in Biomedical Optics, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
Tracking moving particles in cells by single particle tracking is an important optical approach widely used in biological research. In order to track multiple particles within a whole cell simultaneously, a parallel tracking approach with large depth of field was put forward. It was based on distorted grating and dual-objective bifocal imaging, making use of the distorted grating to expand the depth of field, dual-objective to gather as many photons as possible, and bifocal plane imaging to realize three-dimensional localization. Simulation of parallel tracking of two particles moving along the z axis demonstrated that even when the two are axially separated by 10 μm, they can both be localized simultaneously with transversal precision better than 5 nm and axial precision better than 20 nm.
bifocal imaging dual-objective distorted grating depth of field 
Chinese Optics Letters
2020, 18(7): 071701
Author Affiliations
1 National-Regional Key Technology Engineering Laboratory for Medical Ultrasound, Guangdong Key Laboratory for Biomedical Measurements and Ultrasound Imaging, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
2 Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
3 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
4 Department of Chemistry, University of Vermont, 82 University Place, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA
5 Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, UK
6 Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
7 Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Optoelectronic Devices and Systems, College of Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
8 Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
We employed a metallic wire grating loaded with graphene and operating in total internal reflection (TIR) geometry to realize deep and broadband THz modulation. The non-resonant field enhancement effect of the evanescent wave in TIR geometry and in the subwavelength wire grating was combined to demonstrate a 77% modulation depth (MD) in the frequency range of 0.2–1.4 THz. This MD, achieved electrically with a SiO2/Si gated graphene device, was 4.5 times higher than that of the device without a metal grating in transmission geometry. By optimizing the parameters of the metallic wire grating, the required sheet conductivity of graphene for deep modulation was lowered to 0.87 mS. This work has potential applications in THz communication and real-time THz imaging.
Photonics Research
2018, 6(12): 12001151
1 深圳大学 光电工程学院 光电子器件与系统(教育部/广东省)重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
2 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 瞬态光学技术国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710119
3 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
提出了一种结合和频效应和环形光照明的远场超分辨红外显微成像方法。红外光、不同频率的环形和高斯可见光同时共轴激发样品, 当红外光频率等于样品分子某一共振频率时, 样品分子吸收红外光到达振动激发态, 环形和高斯可见光与共振分子作用分别产生无效和有效的和频信号。利用三束光的矢量光场表达式和模型能级系统的速率方程进行数值模拟发现, 当总可见光足够强时, 可使总和频信号饱和, 环形和高斯可见光与共振分子的作用出现竞争, 通过提高环形可见光光子流密度超过饱和光子流密度, 并降低高斯可见光光子流密度, 可有效地抑制环形区域有效和频信号的产生, 从而达到压缩PSF的目的, 在物镜数值孔径0.6的情况下, 通过数值模拟得到有效和频信号PSF半高宽为56 nm。
红外吸收 超分辨显微成像 衍射极限 高分辨 infrared absorption super-resolution microscopy diffraction limit high-resolution 
2018, 47(8): 0804003
张赛文 1,2,3于斌 1,2,3,*陈丹妮 1,2,3吴晶晶 1,2,3[ ... ]屈军乐 1,2,3
1 深圳大学光电子器件与系统教育部/广东省重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
2 深圳大学光电工程学院, 广东 深圳 518060
3 深圳生物医学工程重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
生物医学光子学 荧光显微镜 超分辨成像 压缩感知 荧光分子定位 定位算法 
2018, 45(3): 0307014
1 深圳大学光电工程学院光电子器件与系统(教育部/广东省)重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
2 深圳大学信息工程学院, 广东 深圳 518060
在活体细胞内研究其亚细胞结构以及细胞器和分子之间或不同分子之间的相互作用过程是目前生命科学研究的主要挑战,而发展一种能够实时检测完整细胞内多个生物分子随时空变化的单分子探测和追踪技术对于研究生命过程中的分子机制具有重要意义。设计并搭建了基于变形光栅和双螺旋点扩展函数的显微成像系统,实现了在三维空间内扩展景深和纳米定位功能,极大地扩展了成像深度。通过模拟分析,该系统在高定位精度下可实现12 μm厚样品的动态探测,并实现了完整活细胞中动态粒子的实时定位和追踪。
生物光学 动态追踪 定位精度 景深 活细胞 
2018, 45(3): 0307017
霍英东 1,2,3,*曹博 3陈丹妮 3田进寿 1,2[ ... ]屈军乐 3
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所超快诊断技术重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3 深圳大学光电工程学院, 广东 深圳 518060
介绍了光学超振荡的原理及设计方法, 利用纯振幅调制的空间光调制器(SLM)-数字微镜器件(DMD), 从实验上获得局部超分辨的超振荡光场, 并采用空间频谱分析的方法进行验证。 实验结果表明, 产生的超振荡光场中超振荡区域的特征尺寸为衍射极限的60%, 经空间频谱的分析可知, 所产生的超振荡光场中并没有超过衍射极限的高空间频率成分产生。
图像处理 超分辨 数字微镜器件 超振荡 空间滤波 
2018, 45(1): 0107001
深圳大学光电工程学院教育部/广东省光电子器件与系统重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
为了解决现有单分子定位算法中定位速度慢和对噪声有评估依赖性的问题,基于补零快速傅里叶变换和相位梯度算子提出一种新型的噪声自由的频率域非迭代荧光单分子定位算法。计算机模拟结果表明该算法定位精度可达纳米量级,而定位速度与解线性方程组法在同一个数量级。进而在传统实验参数条件下,对不同间隔分子带模型进行了模拟超分辨成像。模拟结果表明,可以区分中心相隔30 nm的两个分子带。此外,将该算法用于HeLa细胞突起中微丝束结构的荧光超分辨成像,从重构获得的图像中可以看到微丝束的直径为75~200 nm,验证了该算法的实用性。
显微 超分辨成像 单分子定位 相位梯度 微丝束 
2012, 32(2): 0218001
Author Affiliations
1 College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
2 Institute of Optoelectronics, Key Lab of Optoelectronics Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education/Guangdong Province, Shenzhen Key Lab of Biomedicine Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
3 College of Medicine, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
4 Mubarak City for Scientific Research and Technology Applications, New Borg Al-Arab City, Alexandria 21934, Egypt
5 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
6 Institute for Laser, Photonics and Biophotonics, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY 14260-3000, USA
We study the uptake and distribution of transferrin (Tf)-conjugated CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) in single living HeLa cells with both fluorescence confocal microscopy and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technique. By increasing the co-incubation time or the dosage of QDs-Tf, we find that the uptake of QDs-Tf bioconjugates in the cells increases correspondingly, but with different uptake rates. Additionally, the distribution of QDs-Tf, in single live HeLa cells is time dependent. To our knowledge, this is the first study on quantitatively analyzing the uptake and distribution of bioconjugated QDs in single living cells. Such QDs nanoplatform can be further modified for developing biomedical evaluation tool in cancer diagnosis and targeted drug delivery.
170.6280 Spectroscopy, fluorescence and luminescence 170.1530 Cell analysis 
Chinese Optics Letters
2010, 8(10): 940
1 深圳大学光电工程学院光电子器件与系统教育部重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
2 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所应用光学国家重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130033
为了克服在传统衍射光学成像光谱仪中, 衍射透镜的焦距随波长变化引起系统放大率随波长变化, 从而导致光谱图像的像元配准误差, 得到并不精确的相对光谱信号强度, 提出了将衍射透镜与消色差透镜系统相结合的新型折/衍混合、二组元复合远心成像光学系统的技术方案, 具体分析推导了该系统的成像理论。在此理论指导下, 利用光学设计软件Zemax设计了一套可见近红外成像光谱仪光学系统。结果表明, 不但系统的放大率不随波长变化, 而且进一步降低了衍射透镜的加工难度, 改进了衍射光学成像光谱仪的光学性能, 为新型衍射光学成像光谱仪的研制提供了重要的理论依据和设计指导.
成像系统 成像光谱仪 衍射光学 光学设计 
2009, 29(5): 1260

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